Sustainable Travel
Take Only Pictures, Leave Nothing but Footprints!
If you care about the future of our planet and the impact we all have as humans on our global home, you should consider also sustainable travel.
We have been pioneers in featuring since our beginnings in 1999 houses and homes that may at times « lack » modern, energy and water consuming amenities, but still offer an authentic travel experience, with a low carbon footprint.
To-date, in our Sustainable Villa Portfolio you will find villas and houses whose managers and owners have made an extra effort to have an ecological vision for tomorrow’s world, featuring a number of these policies:
Use less energy by
• using energy-saving LED lamps all over the property
• not having air-condition and promoting bio-climatic cooling or fans only
• if they do have a/c, that they are at least a type A+++, indicating high energy savings
• have automation to stop a/c operation when guests are not in room and/or limit hi&lo temperatures
• reduce exterior outside lighting to reduce light pollution and nocturnal wildlife protection
• promote in their operations lower energy consumption (less laundry, ironing, etc)
• use solar panels or renewable energy sources
Use less water
• do not have water and energy devouring pools
• future energy saving devices on taps and showers
• have pools that use recycled sea water
• encourage fewer linen and towel washings
• recycle waste water fro secondary use (grey water)
• have in effect policies that conserve water
• collect rain water and not drain aquifers or use energy to produce water
Reduce waste
• recycle plastic, paper, aluminum, metal
• re-use/re-cycle worn towels/sheets
• not use single-use plastic cosmetic and other packaging
• encourage fewer linen and towel washings which dump massive detergent amounts into waterways and cause eutrophism
• do not have pools that contain dangerous / toxic chemicals for the marine and terrestrial environment
Respect the environment
• architecture that is bio-climatic
• architecture that uses local, natural materials
• architecture that embeds itself seamlessly in the natural surroundings
• architecture that is traditional by nature
• respect animals and plants of the area
• grow gardens with plants adapted to the environment using less water and fertilizers
• respect the maritime and beach environment w/o invasive action
• reduce carbon foot print of materials and people traveling to support your stay
Help local communities by sourcing locally
• source staff locally and not have to travel for miles
• source food locally to support local economy/communities, farm-to-table principle applied
• be an integral part of the local community and economy
• ethically source goods from certified producers may feature relevant eco-friendly certification from acclaimed organizations